Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Day in the Life

Things have been very busy and I haven't felt much like posting here. I think part of it is that NoS is so easy, I don't think about it every day. It's not like I have to constantly monitor my food or keep track of anything. It's nothing more complicated than eating three times a day - which isn't complicated at all.

This is one of my days. It's quite bread-heavy, which isn't usual for me, but I bought one of those artisan bread loaves which doesn't keep well so I planned meals to use it right away. It also happened to be a Saturday, and I always make homemade pizza on Saturday for our family 'Pizza and a movie night'. All the butter and cream, however, is normal.

Breakfast was french toast made with thickly sliced rustic bread, (soaked in an egg and cream mixture) butter, (real) maple syrup, bacon, sausage and two cups of tea.

It was a cold, snowy day, and I spent a good couple of hours outside. When I got home I had homemade broccoli and cheddar soup with bread and butter and iced tea. The swirly pattern is cream.

 Dinner as I already mentioned was homemade pizza. Today's toppings: Italian sausage and artichoke.

And being an S-day, I can't forget these!

What does one of your NoS days look like?

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