Thursday, September 15, 2011

4 of 100

I meant to write this yesterday, but a) I wasn't feeling well, and b) someone was borrowing my computer for homework.

Monday, the first of '100 Days of Success', couldn't have been a worse day to start if I'd planned it that way. I had a difficult day at work, and three appointments afterward. I didn't even get a real lunch - I just grabbed a Tanka Bar when I was out grocery shopping between appointments at around 3 pm, and called it lunch. It'd never had one before, but I might buy a few to keep around for other busy days.

I got home around 7 and fixed chili for dinner. it's a popular choice in our house for a busy monday. So, somehow I made it from my yogurt at 7 am, to my dinner at 7.30 pm with only a Tanka bar in between. I think it's just one more indication that my body is adjusting well to both No S and my new schedule.

Tuesday was pretty average, then Wednesday I woke up feeling ill, but not enough to declare it a 'S'ick day so it was a normal N day as well. Today (Thursday) has been a tough day, and there are still a few hours to go. I don't plan to mess things up now, so I won't be 'consoling' myself with food. A hot bath and a good book will do the job just as well. Maybe even better. I'm reading 'The Help' and I'm finding it as 'unputdownable' as everyone else I've talked to. It's probably one more reason I'm not thinking about food. I'm too busy reading.

How have the first  4 out of 100 days gone for you?


  1. First 2 days were so-so. Need to plan the meals better so indon't get ravenous mid-afternoon. I really need to work on the protein/ complex carb balance to keep blood sugar stable. Days. 3 & 4 were really quite good. I love your comments about The Help' . I read it last week. I was 19 in 1964. I'm from Western Canada- how we as women were raised was so different. I've thought so much about the freedom we had to be anything we wanted to be, doors were wide open for us in those days. It's the pioneer / entrepenureal mentality.

  2. Mid-afternoon is my toughest time. I made sure I ate a good lunch today - Not just good as in 'sensible' but good as in things I really wanted to eat so I wouldn't feel hungry later either from actual hunger, or fake hunger from wanting to eat certain things.

    Of course, I also kept myself busy reading this afternoon. I finished the book today. Someone at work has been reading it, and it's been nice having someone to discuss it with. Then, another friend and I are going to go see the movie. I'm really looking forward to seeing it.
