Wednesday, March 14, 2012

So long, farewell...

You know the rest of the song. Anyway, that's what I have to do.

I don't know quite why, but No S is not working for me right now. It's not only not working for me, it's working against me. So I'm going to listen to my body and stop.

I know for some people that will be difficult to understand - how 'normal' eating - eating the way people did for generations - could be detrimental for someone, and I don't know myself why this is happening. All I know is I am getting clear signals from my body that this is not a good idea for me right now.

A couple of years ago when I first discovered it, I had no trouble with it at all. I don't know what changed, but something did. It took me a while to notice the pattern, but eventually it became too obvious to ignore.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do other than follow my doctor's advice and of course, keep listening to my body. I have to focus totally on health right now, so I'm putting my scales out of sight and breaking away from all diet related websites and blogs - including this one.

If anyone would like to be administrator of this blog, please email me at nosladies at gmail dot com and I'll send you the information.

At times like this I wish I had something profound to say. I have been thinking about this for a few days, intending to write some well thought out post, but I have been unable to come up with anything that expresses what I'm feeling now. I decided I just have to do this, put it behind me and focus on the next step.

So, so long for now. I wish you well.


  1. Hi Suncat,
    I have just sent you an email. Hope to hear from you soon. I support your choice & am in I think in a similar place. For me right now the NoS way feels like the abstinence model of OA and for me is causing huge guilt instead of peace right now when I fail.

    Thanks for your honesty- it sure helped me today.

  2. I have been occupied for months caring for elderly parent who just passed away this month, so I haven't been able to contribute. I still follow NoS without the S Days and am pretty much following a paleo style diet. Good luck with your new plans.

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

    It's taken me a while to adapt - but I am improving little by little. I am glad you are doing well with Paleo, and hope you continue to do so.
