If it seems I've been a bit quieter than usual lately, it's because I've been on vacation. We hadn't really planned on going anywhere. In fact, we hadn't planned a vacation at all this summer. One day it just hit us that if we didn't start planning and do something to jolt ourselves out of the rut we'd slipped into, summer was going to be over and we'd have missed it. Don't get me wrong - it's a lovely rut - lounging at the pool, reading stacks of books, playing tennis and going on hikes and bike rides. Most of them are, which is why it's so easy to stay in them. But every so often it's nice to climb out of them and experience something new.
So we checked our schedules and realized that we did have a few days' window that we could get away without having to do too much shuffling and rescheduling. Then, of course, we had to decide where to go and what to do. There were so many options, but in the end we decided on a trip we had planned to take a few years ago that got derailed twice by other events. All we had to do was find a place to stay, get someone to watch the garden and the pets, pack our stuff and go.

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