One of the things I like about No S is what I call 'The Spotlight Effect'. It's a well-known phenomenon frequently mentioned by others on the boards, even those relatively new to No S. It's simple, really. When you go days at a time eating sanely and appropriately and then for some reason or another (or no reason at all) you suddenly do the opposite, the results become glaringly obvious.
When 'normal' is slightly excessive, a little extra excess here and there isn't so noticeable. But when, after a succession of days of No S style compliance, an S day goes a bit wild - it's as if it's lit up in blinking neon with multiple exclamation points and arrows pointing at it. The formerly dreaded Monday becomes a welcome relief; bringing simplicity and sanity, as well as experience that will (hopefully) lead to less excess in the future.
If by now you have leapt to the conclusion that I had a bit of an 'S day gone wild' this weekend, you leapt correctly. And yes, today I feel appropriately lousy (I mean physically lousy. I never feel guilt or shame about eating. I believe those terms should be reserved for what are truly shameful acts) - and equally determined to be kinder to myself in the future. I think The Spotlight Effect makes it more likely that I will.
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