I love summer mornings, so even though I'm not working and could sleep til noon if I wanted, I prefer to get up early. I usually start the day with a cup of tea followed by breakfast a couple of hours later. It's usually fairly substantial; a bit more if we have a big day ahead; a little less if we had a late or uncommonly large dinner the night before and no one is particularly hungry. It doesn't vary much. On weekdays we have eggs a few days a week, homemade yogurt and granola or homemade muffins on other days. Saturday is usually a 'fry-up'* and Sunday is something 'bread-y' - pancakes, waffles or french toast with all the 'fixins' or just croissants on the patio.
Lunch is around one. I'm not big on sandwiches, though there are a few I like, so usually I have leftovers. If not, I may make risotto, hamburgers, tacos or homemade pizza. Soup is one of my favorites, even in summer.
Dinner really varies. I aim for 6.30, but lately it's been anytime from 5-9. What we eat varies quite a lot as well. For shopping and ease of preparation, I do plan meals. (Although, it's really more of a guideline). Life never goes to plan, of course, but when things are busy, it's nice to have all the thinking and planning already done - not to mention a 'Plan B'*. That said, the 'plan' for next few days includes: homemade pizza; grilled sausages and quinoa; grilled chicken marinated in lemon, lime and rosemary; and for dessert Sunday, Clafoutis. The garden is starting to produce, so most of the vegetables will come from our backyard. No tomatoes yet, but I still have pizza sauce in the freezer from our tomatoes last summer.
I often have tea during the day, even this time of year. During the week it will be on it's own, other than Friday when we've been having chocolate croissants. On the weekend it's often accompanied, usually by a baked thing: scones, cakes, cookies or pastries. I also have dark chocolate nearly every day.
Even though it looks rather extravagant, there aren't really many 'mods' in there. I don't measure, count or portion; I eat what I want until I'm full and other than that Friday croissant, I don't eat again until the next meal. There are no sweets on weekdays other than the chocolate, which at 70% or 80%, isn't very sweet. On weekends, I do eat more, but it's because I have the time, rather than because it's an 'S Day'. Having tried snacking or grazing all day or eating three meals, I find I actually prefer three (or even two) meals.
It's 'Vanilla' enough that it works, and tweaked enough that it works for me, which is really the key. Because it fits my life (and my family) with as little alteration or disruption as possible, it's sustainable for life - and very enjoyable, too. To paraphrase someone on the NoS Board: "whoever heard of a 'diet' you don't even want to go off of?" I have to agree.
What is an 'average' day like for you?
What is an 'average' day like for you?
*Also known as a 'Full English Breakfast' and may include sausage, bacon, eggs, mushrooms, fried bread, grilled tomatoes, baked beans (English ones..not American) and (for some) black pudding.
**Plan B is usually my freezer. I am trying not to get to 'Plan C' which is 'eat out'. So, when I can, I double a recipe and freeze half.
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