Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Foodspiration!

Every Friday at LWNoS, we will have a post dedicated to 'Foodspiration'. It's a chance for readers to share menus, meals, recipes and even post plate photos to be included in our slideshow at the top of the page.

There are many ways to participate:
  • share any or all of your meals for the week in the comments 
  • if you plan meals in advance, share your menu ideas for the coming week
  • submit a recipe or a plate photo with information explaining which meal it is and what is on the plate, to nosladies dot gmail dot com.  Photos will be added to the slideshow and recipes will be available in google docs. 
  • if  you have a No S blog, share a link to your blog, or 
  • just check in on Fridays and have a look around. To get details on any of the slideshow photos, just click on the image. If you see a meal that inspires you, feel free to ask for details and recipes in the comments 
So try a new recipe. Snap a plate photo or two. But most of all, share and enjoy! 


  1. I think this past week was the first in a long time that I was able to stick totally to my plan. Usually something unexpected comes up and I have to substitute a 'Plan B'.

    Next week I'm changing things up a bit. I realized the other day I haven't made fried chicken in years. So that's going in the menu for the coming week.

  2. Best meal of the week was the homemade chicken soup I made from the left-overs from the roast chicken of the night before. Fall is in the air here in Alberta. I put ginger, curry and of course lots of garlic ( Canada's national spice) in the soup. A cup of whole grain macaroni added in the last 30 minutes makes this a true comfort food! Next time I'll invite you all for dinner.

  3. That soup sounds great - just the thing for this cooler weather.

    I've gotten derailed on my plans this weekend. I wanted to light a fire in the backyard and roast hot dogs and make s'mores - but we've just had a huge rainstorm, so of course all of our wood is wet. I haven't decided yet what to substitute for it.
