Monday, September 19, 2011

Stressful Seven

It's a beautiful September Monday in my part of the world, and to make it even better, I have the day off. Work, anyway. I always have plenty to do at home. I thought I'd start it though with a quick review of my first 7 of 100 Days of Success. 

As I mentioned the other day, it was a particularly busy and stress-filled week. There are pros and cons to being busy. When we're busy  time flies and sometimes that makes it easier to keep to eating goals - unless we are so busy we don't have time, or simply 'forget', to eat properly. For many people, being unusually busy is more likely to interfere with exercise goals. 

This is exactly what happened to my goals. I was so busy I didn't think about eating most of the time, but I missed one of my three days of exercise. I did get in a family walk on two days, though, so it sortof evens out.

At times in my life I've been under stress that caused me to eat more - and other stress that left me nearly unable to eat. The particular stress in my life right now is of the first type. I have found myself more than once this past week thinking of eating. Each time, however, I managed not to. 

Perhaps it's the fact that I've committed in public to these 100 days of success and I don't want to mess it up at all, let alone the first week, that helped me stick to my goals. Or maybe  I'm just stubborn. Whenever I started thinking of eating this past week, I reminded myself that the person who's causing all the problems for me is totally not worth all this stress and I was not going to allow the situation to cause me to eat when I don't want or need to. I don't know if this will always work for me, but for now it seems to be. I just hope the situation improves soon and I don't have to keep testing my resolve.  

I had a nice weekend, though. We got out of town on Saturday, and had a lovely walk outdoors, finishing up just as a huge downpour hit. Sunday we caught up on some shopping, went out to lunch and watched a movie together in the evening. Everyone else is out today, so I'm enjoying a peaceful day on my own, catching up things around the house and getting ready for the week ahead. Here's hoping it's a more peaceful week. 

If you'd care to share, how do you keep to your exercise goals when life gets busy? What are some ways you deal with stress in your life? 


  1. Exercise Goals? I think there are actually some people that do not have to plan exercise in their day or week. They just have this natural need to move, climb, jump, and run. Most healthy children are this way. When I met my husband in college I thought he was always running because he was late, but no, he would rather run than walk. I, on the other hand, have had to work exercise into my life always. I prefer outside activity, but I cannot wait for the perfect weather day...not too hot, not too cold, not too windy, not too wet, etc. And, I cannot depend on an exercise partner. There are many seasons (childless, young children, empty nest, retirement), and I have had to rework my "plan" many times. I don't like gyms and group classes (except yoga) and feel like a hamster on "cardio" machines. However, for various reasons at this season in my life I am going to a gym every day and combine cardio, weights, and HIIT workouts. The longest stretch of regular exercise I enjoyed the most was walking with a good friend every morning early for about 10 years. I am rambling, I know, but I just got to thinking about how many different things I have done over the years from Jazzercise onward and my husband still just moves and lifts and seems to stay in shape naturally and has never had a plan (reminds me of Reinhard and Shovelglove).

  2. I was never one of those who had to 'plan' exercise either. I always just 'did stuff'. I have gone to gym at times - but I never could stick to it. I always wanted to go back to 'doing stuff' again. I realized I was trying to do what 'other people' did and not what I wanted, and as long as I did what I enjoyed, it was easy.

    I've noticed the last year or so that while my weight has not gone up, my shape has changed. I can tell it's softer - flabbier. So I've started doing some intentional exercise - strength training. Just basic stuff. Mostly body weight, all at home. Strong is good :)
