Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Best

Even though the "rules" of NoS are very simple and straight forward, abiding by them is often a struggle. What seems easy to do one day.. no plate of food three times a day.. can be so very difficult the next.
One of the things I need to remember is that my "best" changes every day, maybe even more than once a day. I tend to make my plans when I am full of energy and think I can change, not only myself, but the world! Then I hit a day when my energy and resolve is not that strong. On those days, I need to consider myself successful if I do not stand in front of the frig with a fork and just eat everything shelf by shelf! Those types of days are getting fewer and less intense and I am figuring out strategies to overcome my need to graze.
That is a success and that is my best!


  1. I had to laugh at the "standing in front of the refrigerator with a fork" line. It reminded me of an old cartoon of a large woman opening her refrigerator door and the air bag had just gone off. I thought at the time what a good invention that would be!

  2. I have been having quite a few of those days lately. What kinds of coping strategies have you been using? I have a few, but could always use more :)

  3. I think the heat has been getting to me...when the heat index is 126, the misery index is even higher! If I had ice cream in the house that is all I would want to eat. What I have done lately is eat a big protein breakfast suitable for a farmhand. That holds me until the middle of the afternoon when I eat a tossed salad. By dinner time I am just not hungry for anything hot. I make a smoothie of yogurt and berries and I get out of the kitchen! Of course I can do this because I am not trying to get out the door to head to work in the morning and my husband doesn't want a hot supper now either.

  4. Sounds awful, Sojourner. I don't think I'd feel much like eating, either.

  5. Oh my...I AM that cartoon lady!! When I really have little power over my actions, I try to realize that I must.. absolutely must..get out of the kitchen ASAP. Sometimes I even need to get off of the first floor of the house and move myself either upstairs or out of the house. That's how loud that food in the frig can call me!
    Going for a walk, doing a bit of yoga,lifting a few weights.. just putting reasonable myself back in control also helps the situation. Since this absolutely has nothing to do with hunger, intellectually I know food is not going to be the answer.. and yet.. my emotional self still wants to turn to food to mask the problem. I am working on it and it is getting better but..sigh..I wish the problem would just dissolve away...
